
One rep max calculator for Muscle Up

Your Data

Calculator Mode
Lifted Weight

Your Result

repetitions with

at RIR

equals a One Rep Max of...

Repetition Max Table With Percentages

Your Bodyweight
Your Rep Max
Repetitions Weight RM Percentage

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The Muscle Up RM Calculator

The muscle up RM calculator is a tool that lets you figure out your one repetition max when doing muscle ups. This will help you to determine what weight you need to go for in your next training session, and it will also help gauge how many repetitions of muscle ups are necessary to gain strength.

You should know the 1RM when creating your strength training program. The 1RM is the maximum amount of weight you can lift once, and it determines how intense your workouts will be. It's also used to calculate volume in a workout, which is important because if you don't train with enough intensity, then your muscles won't get as much stimulation as they need to grow bigger and stronger.

Why is a one repetition max calculator important?
  • Knowing your 1RM will help you identify improvements in your strength over time.
  • The 1RM is a good measure of progress, and it can be used to design training programs that will improve strength and muscle mass.
  • The muscle Up RM Calculator can help you calculate the amount of weight needed to lift 200 pounds for one repetition (1RMs).

  • How to use the max muscle up calculator

    The calculator has 3 available configurations, giving the user the freedom to calculate 3 variables (RM, Lift and Repetitions):

  • Calculate the One Rep Max (standard mode)
  • Calculate the Repetitions given a Rep Max and Lift
  • Calculate the Lift given a Rep Max and Repetitions

  • After deciding the calculator mode, you will need to input the data and the calculator will automatically compute your result.

    One Repetition Max Formula

    One rep max (1RM) is the maximum amount of weight that you can lift for one repetition. It's an important measurement to determine your strength and your ability to lift heavy weights. But how do you calculate your 1RM? And what should be included in this calculation? Next, we will have a look at the formula used to calculate the Muscle Up.

    The following formula has been obtained by interpolating results from some of the best Calisthenics athletes in the world:

  • The Muscle Up one rep max formula:
  • * The formula only works when using Kilograms (Kg) as unit measure. In order to obtain the result in pounds (lb) you need to transform the pounds to kilograms first, calculate, and transform back to pounds.
    * In order to take into account the RIR in the calculations, the RIR is added to the reps variable.
    * The results have been adapted for reps = 1, where RM = weight.
    * bw = Body Weight

    The formula above takes into account the body weight of the athlete, the weight lifted and the amount of repetitions.

    The Weighted Muscle Up is a very specific exercise where the bodyweight will take a huge impact, as many people are not even able to Muscle Up its own bodyweight. The formula has been tested by many athletes in different weight classes, and it's said to be pretty accurate. Additionally, athletes using performance-enhancing supplements like Dianabol often incorporate exercises like the Weighted Muscle Up to maximize their explosive strength and muscle hypertrophy.

    The Muslce Up One Rep Max Formula visualized:

    Lifted Weight
    Body Weight

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